Come along on Sunday afternoon 29th September for coffee, cakes, plant sales, music, talks and more!
see flyer for all the details.
Longford Park Community Allotment Open Day
Join us for fun for all the family at our Spring Open Day Sunday 28 April, 1.30pm-4.30pm We’ll be joined by Andy Simpson from the RHS North West Outreach team who will be giving an interactive talk and demo on Gardening for Wellbeing (talk repeated at 2.30pm and 3.45pm). We’ll also have live music from the wonderful Stretford Uke, and …
Fantastic News!! Outstanding awards for Longford Park and for Longford Park Community Allotment.
The awards were given by the RHS Northwest in Bloom Scheme and recognise all the hard work put into making the Park and the Community Allotment places for the community to enjoy. Special thanks to all the volunteers who work hard to make this happen.
Try bowling at Longford Park
Longford Park Over 55s Bowling Club will be offering free bowls sessions at the Open Day Allotment Event on Sunday 24th April 2022 (1.30-4.30 pm). For all the details, see the attached flyer.
Longford Park Community Allotment Greenhouses Smashed Up
Since mid November the allotment greenhouses have been extensively vandalised several times
Success for Longford Park!
Longford Park is thriving! That’s according to the results of the awards from Britain in Bloom with the RHS.