September 2023
Minutes of Committee Meeting held on Monday, 11/09/2023 7:00 pm at Men’s Bowling Club House
Richard Bond, Margaret Westbrook, Catherine Lyons, Jean Byrne, Jackie Sumara, Sonia Devons, Rick Webb, Alan Heckman (Disc Golf), Gurdit, Ernst Ter Horst, Sue Simpkins.
Apologies for absence: Judith Lloyd, Sarah Haughey, Dave Jarman, Roy Appleby, Dave Sykes.
Apologies for absence: Judith Lloyd, Sarah Haughey, Dave Jarman, Roy Appleby, Dave Sykes.
Minutes: Grafitti is still an issue – particularly in an area where teenagers tend to gather. Somebody altering ‘Dogs on lead’ sign to ‘Children on lead’ sign. Advice is too clamp down on grafitti quickly. £100 charge very time the anti graffii team come out to clean grafiti so JB tries to wait until there is a build up of grafitti.
JS asked DS about a new door for the noticeboard – he thought it just needed cleaning. JS has cleaned and still not very visible.
Action: JS to talk to DS again about door and if council won’t fund then FOLP could pay depending on cost.
Minutes: See emailed update for details.
Recent meeting with Lottery Funding Bid seemed to go well.
Case is being presented to the lottery committee in 2 days time. Council should know by Thursday but can’t disclose for some time.
EtH brought up that Stage 3 drawings (details) have been produced and would be interested in seeing what is planned exactly for certain areas e.g. playgrounds, toilet block.
At short notice Trafford put together an activity plan of all activities that would be going on – PF was going to let FOLP see it.
Action: RB will ask if Stage 3 drawings can be shared and to chase PF for activity plan.
Minutes: Toilet block – need to make sure the building is safe (roof) before it can be used. Other suggestions are to use the allotments or lady bowlers for storage or use the allotment tools (agreed with MW no problem in using tools as long as they’re not needed on the allotment at the same time).Also an external tap in the allotment area. Only issue would be security/access to bowling area & making sure everybody has the correct keys.
DJ back on the 16th and is going back to Bob Quayle – who is in charge of the toilet block. If roof is too expensive find out cost/practicality for an external tap and plug being put in. Also talk of external store.
Complaint about state of the tennis court. JB reported that tennis courts were cleaned up very quickly. Thanks to DS for sorting.
Action: DJ to discuss with BQ
Minutes: Proposed area is to the right hand side of the toilet block (facing the block) – set back from the path & help to enhance the gardening area. Grant of £500 from Green Spaces fund. Vision is to have purple/white/pink plants around the edge – that attract bees, flower at different times of the years, have some benches (recycled plastic) – possibly 2 singles & one double bench. Plaque on the back wall to reference the Arena bombing/bee mosaic – idea is to replace the Bee Sculpture.
SS & Andy Simkins have been removing plants in the area (very overgrown). Ground is very poor soil – need to get some new topsoil in – would like to spend some of the grant on topsoil. MW suggests buying topsoil/compost from the community allotment behind Kings Road School or may be possible to get it through TCV. If £500 won’t fund top soil FOLP will fund.
Bee Mosaic – CL suggested Project Zinc – they do creative art and may be something that they could do as a project.
Thanks to Andy for helping out.
Action: JS – October, decide on plants, source them and plant them.
JS to check with Shelly about whether topsoil can be bought with the £500.
Minutes: Big project in Stretford was to link up green spaces in Stretford with a tree trail of which the £500 is a small part. Over the summer holiday they had bat box/bird box sessions to make. Longford Park will receive some of the boxes. We will also get 2 wheel chair friendly picnic benches & fruit trees. Need to think where to put the benches & trees.
AH said always space on the disc golf for fruit trees. Also would there be a group interested in looking after the fruit trees already on the Disc Golf course.
EtH Suggestion to put on a laminated sign on the current Bee Sculpture to explain why it’s being left and what is happening. Can be posted on website and social media.
JB – is there any way of saving the Bee from the original sculpture – possibly for visitors centre.
Action: JS to check with Shelly about whether topsoil can be bought with the £500.
Wheelchair user now comes to the allotment – Gurdit to ask any suggestions about where to put the bench.
JS to ask DS about possible location.
EtH to draft text.
RB to contact Carl and ask if there are any options and explain what the plan with the memorial is.
Minutes: Update was emailed by RB.
No developments in terms of the Developers – meant to be a fresh round of consultations but nothing has been heard.
Recent camp has been dismantled.
Last of the Extinction Rebellion camp is to be removed.
New petition has been emailed round by NW – please all sign (previous petition named MP and councilors who have changed).
Nico ditch evidence is being published this month in a peer reviewed journal.
Campaign to get MCC to designate area as a green space is still active.
7. UPDATES Finance (JS)
Minutes: Email summary was sent out via RB.
£1400 – made from the theatre – suggestion that a card reader would be useful for on door sales. AH said Disc Golf has a few card readers that could be borrowed if required. Would also be useful for allotments.
Over £13K in the account as no money has been spent for ages. Last big project (walking trail) got grants. Would be good to spend some money to show what we’re doing in the park. Need to think about what we could spend money on to enhance the park. CL suggested a few mini box libraries – would be good to have them near the old library at the north end of the park.
JB pointed out that the roof of the cycle shelter near the Athletics Stadium is cracked and needs repair. Possibly use the excess bike money. Need to discuss with MN.
Action: MW to discuss with AH about using the card reader for Open Day this Sunday.
CL to price up boxes.
JB to raise/discuss with MN.
8. UPDATES Cycling
Minutes: MN not present.
9. UPDATES Allotment (MW)
Minutes: Approximately 30 volunteers – doing well.
Had an offer (Gurdit & Libby) to go to a meeting for RHS at Tatton Flower Show before it opened – how to attract volunteers. As a result had a visit from 2 people from Parsonage Gardens in Didsbury. Made good local connections.
Open day on Sunday with cakes/drinks.
Film maker from Manchester Museum comiong on Wednesday 20th September – film is about community involvement. Film is for Manchester Museum.
CL: At Parsonage Gardens there is a board showing how many volunteers hours each week – would be a good idea for Longford Park to make people aware of the volunteer hours put into the park – can also be used for changing notices. Could have a list of volunteer groups connected to park.
10. UPDATES Wildlife Garden (RW)
Minutes: Wildlife garden was looking amazing May – July.
Amey have asked if they can cut grass now in the Wildlife Garden and wilding area on Fairground Field – but hasn’t been done yet.
TCV have been given funding by John Stevens to do work on a number of ponds in Trafford including Longford Park – cutting out more of the weeds etc should be coming in the Autumn. South Manchester Conservation Volunteers are booked in for November 12th.
Minutes: RW commented that RB updates are excellent – all agreed that they are very informative & useful.
Andy Grady (form Pets Corner) emailed RB on how to devise a QR code to make a donation.
12. AOB
Minutes: Potential to donate to Pet’s Corner.
Litter Picks will hopefully be starting October last Sunday of the month 9.30am – meet at the cafe of Trafford Stadium – need to get it up and running and advertised on Social Media. (CL) – did one litter pick and lots of drugs paraphernalia was picked up.
Action: CL to email date/time etc.
Minutes: 13th November 7pm – Men’s Bowling Club